Many captive born wild and exotic animals were used through out the United States as props in pictures with paying guests. There is a difference between a “photo-op” and an Ambassador Animal that is part of an educational program where the animal is carefully supervised and it’s health and welfare are the priority. In the 2010s and 2020s, the treatment of tigers in the U.S. has been shaped by media and legislation. The 2020 release of Tiger King highlighted the controversial private ownership and exploitation of big cats, leading to public outcry. In response, the Big Cat Public Safety Act was introduced to address issues of private ownership, public safety, and animal welfare, restricting ownership and public interactions. Today, there is a greater focus on conservation, humane treatment, and public safety. While the big cat trade faces ongoing scrutiny and regulation we ensure ethical practices animal welfare.

Bengal Tiger – Panthera tigris tigris

Habitat: Grasslands and rainforest of India, Bangladesh, and Nepal
Lifespan: Wild 12-15 years; Captivity 18-20 years
Diet: Carnivore
Status: Endangered

The tiger is the largest member of the cat family, and its orange coat with black stripes and white markings is instantly recognizable. Its size, coat color and markings vary according to subspecies. Although 8 subspecies are recognized historically, 3 have become extinct since the 1950s. And out of the 5 remaining, 3 are critically endangered.

The tiger’s habitat varies widely, from the tropical forests of Southeast Asia to the coniferous woodlands of Siberia, but is basic requirements are dense cover, access to water, and sufficient large prey. Hunting mainly be night, it takes mostly deer and wild pigs, and cattle in some regions, but it also eats smaller animals, including monkeys, birds, reptiles, and fish, and readily feeds on carrion. Tigers will also attack young rhinoceroses and elephants. They may eat up to 88 pounds (40 kg) of meat at a time and return to a large kill for 3-6 days. Tigers are usually solitary but are not necessarily antisocial. A male is occasionally seen resting or feeding with a female and cubs, and tigers may also travel in groups.

A young tiger is dependent on its mother for food for the first year or so of life. By the time it is 2 years old, it will have enough power, strength, and experience to be able to catch prey for itself. It may start breeding in its fourth or fifth year and live on average to the age of 8-10.

The Bengal tiger, Panthera tigris tigris, the most common of the subspecies, exhibits the classic tiger coat, deep orange with white undersides, cheeks, and eye areas, and distinctive black markings. Tigers have long sensitive whiskers and sharp retractable claws. Tiger stripes, which range from brown to jet-black, vary in number, width, and tendency to split. No 2 tigers have the same markings.

The surviving subspecies of tiger differ markedly from one another. In general, animals from northern regions are a paler orange and have fewer stripes. They also have much longer and thicker coat in winter to protect them from the cold. The Siberian tiger, Panthera tigris altaica, is the largest subspecies, and the lightest in color, with the longest coat. Its numbers may be as low as 150-200. The smallest and darkest of the tiger subspecies is the Sumatran tiger, Panthera tigris sumatrae. Only about 600 are though to exist today.

Between 1900 and 2000, tiger numbers fell from an estimated 100,000 to 3,500 – approximately the figure today. After decades of poaching, habitat loss, and loss of prey, scattered populations survive only in eastern Russia, China, Sumatra, and in southern Asia from Vietnam to India. Although protected in most areas, tigers are still killed to meet the demand for bones and body parts, which are used in oriental medicines. Programs to save the tigers have met with mixed results, with limited successes set against the trend of overall decline. Radio collars and antipoaching patrols give these vulnerable predators at least some protection in the wild.

Meet Our Bengal Tigers


Tigger arrived at Cat Tales as a six-month-old cub with his littermate, Zorro. Their previous owner initially acquired them for photo opportunities, which was only legally allowed until the cat reached six months of age or 35 pounds. As the cubs grew rapidly, public contact was no longer permitted, and their owner sought a permanent home. That’s when Tigger and Zorro found their way to Cat Tales.

Tigger is one of our most talkative residents, frequently making the friendly chuffing sound tigers are known for. If you chuff at Tigger, don’t be surprised if he chuffs right back! He is the more outgoing of the two brothers, often seen posing beside his pool or confidently marking his territory around the perimeter of his exhibit. Occasionally, he even gives guests a surprise spray as they walk by! Born May 20, 2010, Tigger continues to charm everyone who meets him.


Zorro, like his brother Tigger, arrived at Cat Tales at six months old after their previous owner could no longer keep them for public contact due to legal restrictions. While his brother is more outgoing, Zorro has his own unique way of capturing attention. He enjoys participating in protected contact feedings, where he interacts safely with keepers through a barrier. But Zorro is also known for his playful nature, often making a big splash—literally—in or out of his pool, always eager for a bit of fun.

Though Zorro and Tigger now live separately, Zorro’s personality shines through in his love for water and his playful antics. Born on May 20, 2010, Zorro has found his own rhythm at Cat Tales, delighting visitors and keepers alike with his spirited nature.

With broken hearts we had to say good-bye to Zorro on March 16th. When we take in animals from rescue situations they may have genetic anomalies creating quality-of-life concerns as they age. We are still waiting on full necropsy results as of March 23rd.

Bengal Tigers in the News

What do Tigers Eat?